Ariel Y. Epouhe


Education & Training

BS in NS & Psych, University of Pittsburgh (2017)

Campus Address



Kathryn Albers

Graduation Year


One-Line Research Description

Chronic pain disorders

Representative Publications

Najjar SA, Ejoh LL, Loeza-Alcocer E, Edwards BS, Smith-Edwards KM, Epouhe AY, Gold MS, Davis
BM, Albers KM. Optogenetic inhibition of the colon epithelium reduces hypersensitivity in a mouse
model of inflammatory bowel disease. Pain. 2021 Apr 1;162(4):1126-1134. doi:
10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002110. PMID: 33048854; PMCID: PMC7969374.

Epouhe, A.Y., Ritter Jones, M., Najjar, S.A., Cohen, J.A., Kaplan, D.H., Koerber, H.R., and Albers,
K.M. Use of optogenetics for study of skin-nerve communication. 2020. Contemporary approaches to the
study of pain: from molecules to neural networks. Editor, R Seal. Springer Nature Humana Press.

Saloman, J.L., Albers, K.M., Cruz-Monserrate, Z., Davis, B.M., Eibl, G., Edderkaoui, M., Epouhe, A.Y.,
Husain, S.Z., Gedeon, J.Y., Gorelick, F.S., Grippo, P.J., Groblewski, G.E., Lai, K.K.Y., Pandol, S.J., Uc,
A., Wen, L.and Whitcomb, D.C. 2019. Animal Models: Challenges and opportunities to determine
optimal experimental models of pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. Pancreas. 48(6):759