Silas Buck


Education & Training

BS, Tulane University (2017)

Campus Address



Zachary Freyberg

Graduation Year


One-Line Research Description

Researching dopamine neuron vulnerability in Drosophila models of Parkinson’s disease

Representative Publications

Buck, S. A., De Miranda, B. R., Logan, R. W., Fish, K. N., Greenamyre, J. T., Freyberg, Z (2021).
“VGLUT2 is a determinant of dopamine neuron resilience in a rotenone model of dopamine
neurodegeneration. ”Journal of Neuroscience, 41(22):4937-4947, PMID: 33893220.

Buck, S. A., Steinkellner, T., Aslonoglou, D. Villeneuve, M., Bhatte, S. H., Childers, V., Rubin, S. A., De
Miranda, B. R., O’Leary, E. I., Neureiter, E. G., Fogle, K. J., Palladino, M. J., Logan, R. W., Glausier, J.
R., Fish, K. N., Lewis, D. A., Greenamyre, J. T., McCabe, B. D., Cheetham, C. E. J., Hnasko, T. S.,
Freyberg, Z (2021). “Vesicular glutamate transporter modulates sex differences in dopamine neuron
vulnerability to age-related neurodegeneration.”Aging Cell, 20:e13365, PMID: 3390313.

Buck, S. A., Torregrossa M. M., Logan, R. W., Freyberg, Z. (2020). “Roles of dopamine and glutamate
co-release in the nucleus accumbens in mediating the actions of drugs of abuse.” FEBS Journal. PMID: